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Slack Notifications

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    Mailgun notifications (alerts) can now be sent via Slack using our official Slack integration. Currently the notifications available via Slack involve features of Mailgun Optimize and Mailgun Validate

    Important Note:
    Please be aware that Slack Notifications are configured by region (Mailgun US or Mailgun EU). Slack Notifications can operate on both regions concurrently, but for each region, you will need to perform the steps connecting Mailgun with Slack and configuring the notifications.


    Connecting Mailgun and Slack

    To connect Mailgun with Slack, navigate to the Slack integration option in Mailgun and connect Mailgun with your chosen Slack workspace. Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the Slack app.

    We'll show you how to do this below:

    1. First, log in to the Mailgun Control Panel (if you have not already done so).
    2. Then, at the top-right corner of the page, click the Profile drop-down menu to expand its list of options.
    3. Next, click the Slack integration option. Alternatively, you can use this direct link.
    4. Click the Connect button on the following page. This will take you to the Slack Marketplace, and you will sign into the Slack workspace that you would like to connect with Mailgun.
    5. Next, click the Allow button when prompted, which will grant the necessary permissions required to enable the integration.


    Configuring the notifications

    Once Slack has been connected to your Mailgun account, you can configure which notifications you would like to receive as well as where (i.e. Slack channel) you would like to receive those notifications.

    We'll show you how to do this below:

    1. First, log in to the Mailgun Control Panel (if you have not already done so).
    2. Then, at the top-right corner of the page, click the Profile drop-down menu to expand its list of options.
    3. Next, click the Slack integration option. Alternatively, you can use this direct link.
    4. Click the desired notification on the following page to open a modal pop-up. Please be aware that, for some notifications, the pop-up modal will have tabs allowing multiple configurations (e.g. Blocklist Monitoring has Listed and Delisted tabs).
    5. Enter your Slack Channel ID to identify the channel that you would like to use for these notifications and click the Save button.
    6. Unsure where to find a Slack Channel ID? These channel IDs can be found in Slack channel details at the bottom of the interface. In the below example, this channel ID is C089TG9E2F4.


    Need Support?

    Our Support Team here at Sinch Mailgun is happy to help! Reach out to us in the Support page of your Mailgun Control Panel, and we'll be with you shortly!