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Where can I find my Mailgun invoices?

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    It's the first of the month, and you've got a new invoice; how do you read it, and what specifically does the included information mean? Not to worry - with this post, we'll explore all the information presented in a Mailgun invoice and what it means for your account's activity.


    Locating your invoices

    We'll show you how to do this below:

    1. First, log in to the Mailgun Control Panel (if you have not already done so).
    2. Then, at the top-right corner of the page, click the Profile drop-down menu to expand its list of options.
    3. Next, click the Plan & Billing option. Alternatively, you can use this direct link
    4. On the resulting page, click the Invoices tab and click the invoice number to view the invoice details.


    The invoice page

    There are four sections that each invoice will contain: Summary, Plan Summary, Message Details, and Email Validation Details

    • Summary: This section at the very top of the invoice will give you an overview of the charges incurred for the relevant billing period. Basic information such as your billing plan, the current amount due, and any previous balance that rolled over will be displayed in this section. 
    • Plan Summary: This section displays a breakdown of what is included with your current billing plan. For example, the number of messages, validations, and IP addresses specific to your billing plan would be displayed here. 
    • Message Details: This section will allow you to view the total number of messages processed through your account, as well as the rate at which any overages are billed. 
    • Email Validations Details: Similar to Message Details, this section will show the number of email validations processed over the billing period and the rate at which overages are billed.


    Viewing usage reports

    We provide a way to view various usage metrics on your account. The reports will expose the following metrics if there is any usage data for those particular metrics:  

    • Email Messages (using Processed total)
    • Email Validations (using Validations total)
    • Inbox Placement (using Seed Test total)
    • Email Preview (Email preview total - email preview failed total) 

    Aggregated totals will be provided with usage stats refreshed every 24 hours.

    To view this information on your account, please proceed through the following steps.

    1. First, log in to the Mailgun Control Panel (if you have not already done so).
    2. Then, at the top-right corner of the page, click the Profile drop-down menu to expand its list of options.
    3. Next, either of the below two options may be used. 
      • Click the Usages option. Alternatively, you can use this direct link. The Usage option is best for examining usage in general.
        Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 12.39.19 PM.png
      • Click the Plan & Billing option. On the next page that displays, click the Invoices tab. Alternatively, you can use this direct link. The Plan & Billing option is best for examining usage as pertaining to a particular invoice. 
        Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 12.52.25 PM.png
    4. Now, if you navigated by means of the Usage menu option, proceed to step 5. Otherwise, if you navigated by means of Plan & Billing, click the link for Usage next to the invoice for which you'd like to view usage. The link is in the Usage Link column of your table of invoices. 
    5. Finally, view the data as segmented by each subaccount as well as the aggregate totals for the major metrics
      • Note: Usage data is available starting September 1st, 2024. Data prior to this date is unavailabe in the Usage reports.
        image (2).png


    Wrapping up

    The total amount due on your invoice will be a combination of your Message Details, your Email Validations Details, and the recurring subscription amount for the billing plan you have selected. 

    Some customers may notice invoices for $0.00 on the account.  This means the account is on a Free plan that has not accrued any charges for messages sent during the billing period.


    Need Support?

    Our Support Team here at Sinch Mailgun is happy to help! Reach out to us in the Support page of your Mailgun Control Panel, and we'll be with you shortly!